Featured Employees:

Position: Safety Technician/Safety AdvisorBrian - Safety Technician/Safety Advisor

What makes you proud to be a Pivotal employee?
"With Pivotal, I’m proud to be part of a team that genuinely works together towards a common goal. As well, the opportunity to engage in meaningful work on a daily basis and make a difference in the workplace is very satisfying." 

What inspires you in your day to day work?
"I enjoy engaging in potentially hazardous environments, playing a role in reducing risk, and ensuring everyone goes home safely."

What are three words that describe Pivotal Safety?
"Engaging. Progressive. Accountable."

What do you appreciate about working here?
"I appreciate how management is so visible, approachable and genuine. Management has empowered me with all the tools and support available to allow me to undertake any job with confidence and success. Further, management has afforded me ample opportunities to advance my career in the direction discussed in my initial interview."


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